Arched garden door

February 28, 2015


A semi-headed frame cut out in three lengths and bolted together with hammer- head tenons and shoulder tongues.   astriddegroot



astriddegroot Make a template with router and circular-jig. astriddegroot I screwed the template to the wood and start routing the semi-headed shape. astriddegroot

astriddegroot Laminate the rebate. astriddegroot Check on straight level. astriddegroot

astriddegroot Gluing the head of the door. astriddegroot Made another template left the jig in the same setting just moved the router closer I wanted 3mm space between frame and door. astriddegroot Layout of the door, put together not glued yet. astriddegroot Made this jig to hold the slats firmly for when I drill the mortice. astriddegroot And a mortice in the semi- rounded top of the door was a bit tricky to get them all exact. astriddegroot Check the fit. astriddegroot All glued now,  glued the door first, than gluing the frame around the door in the exact position. astriddegroot With the 3mm space between door and frame. astriddegroot Fitted in its place, the entrance to a beautiful walled garden. astriddegroot astriddegroot